Tuesday 16 August 2011

Bedroom Furniture, Everyone's Oasis and Retreat

Everyone's desire in life is to be comforted, loved and nurtured. We accomplish this through our relationships and our living environment. We develop an attraction for another person that we want to spend the rest of our life with. You commit yourself to that person and start to create a life together. In creating that life you build a home together. You create the home to suit your likes and fantasies. The first piece of furniture you bring into your new home is your bedroom furniture to create your own oasis, after all you will need to get a good night sleep to have energy for all your unpacking and home organizing.

Like yourself, your children need to be comforted, loved and nurtured as well and it our responsibility as parents to fulfill that obligation. Small children live with a big imagination and a lot of time in a fantasy world. Their imagination and fantasies bring who they are to life and help to develop them over time into mature adults. Creating your child's bedroom into an oasis that brings their imagination or fantasy to life to give them that comforted, loving and nurturing feeling they deserve.

Bedrooms have changed a lot from years ago when life was physically hard work and you had minimal possessions. It's no longer a bedroom with just a bed and a dresser and all you did in it was sleep. Bedrooms of today make a statement, they express who you are and have become everyone's oasis location or retreat to sooth and comfort you from your daily activities or events. Years ago bedrooms were used as a location of punishment for children. When the child was in trouble the parent would tell the child to "go to your room and stay there until I tell you can come out". It was a dreaded thing for the child and usually worked well as punishment. But not today, things have really changed.

Today children's bedrooms start out as a nursery with everything needed to make your baby feel comforted, loved and secure. We create a theme for the nursery and build around that theme with the bedding and then create a colorful playground affect with child friendly furniture and room accessories. We fill the nursery with colorful wall decorations to match the bedding, we hang musical mobiles to draw your baby's attention and we place stuffed animals all around for that soft friendly feel. We also make sure there is a corner in the nursery with a plush chair or rocker for mommy for those long nights when baby does not sleep.

As you child grows your baby's nursery slowly morphs into a room filled with activity. The sky's the limit in children's furniture today. The basics are out and the themed and whacky are in. There are beds in every shape and theme you can think of. There are beds shaped like boats, cars, truck and trains. There are themed beds like Thomas the Train, princess, race cars and fire truck beds. Whatever suits your child's personality is available for you to create. Along with the beds we also add accentual bookcases, night tables, vanities, toy boxes, clothes poles, and carpet and wall accessories in the same theme as the bed. Your child's bedroom has turned into an oasis and playground just for them.

Teenage bedrooms become filled with today's electronics. Every teen's room has a television, a computer, a radio, a cell phone, a gaming console, etc. and the teen is in constant communication with the world. Their bedroom has turn into a mini apartment that suits their own way of life. No matter what stage of growth you are in the desire to have what you like around you is great and we fulfill that desire within our bedrooms and create our own oasis to escape too.

Article Source: Ezine Article

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